Top Ten web fonts for 2017

Top Ten web fonts 2017
Today we will be discussing the top ten web fonts 2017. Often designers ignore the importance of fonts. They believe design is all that matters, but they are wrong. A promising designer never undermines the value of fonts. Typography plays a crucial element in web design. In web designing, typography should stand out without compromising readability. Cool fonts grasp the attention of the viewers. Google Web Fonts are widely used nowadays however we cannot overlook some paid cool font’s sites such as Web Fonts, Fontdeck, Webtype. So, here I have listed down Top Ten web fonts 2017 that will help boost your design projects and almost every designer should own these fonts in their web projects.
1 – Helvetica:
Undoubtedly, designed in 1957, Helvetica is the most commonly used font by professionals as well as nonprofessionals in web design. It is a unique combination of smooth lines with characters a bit. It is famous because of its sleek and neutral design. Helvetica is considered to be one of the best free web fonts.
2 – Brandon Grotesque
Brandon Grotesque is a sans serif. It was designed by Hannes Von Dohren in 2009. Everyone from web development companies to magazines to school and to fashion industries has been using it. It was inspired by the geometric style sans serif faces which were famous during the 1920s and ’30s. It is equipped for complex, professional typography. This font is more famous on the web than in print. It has a functional look. It is available six weights-thin,light,regular,medium,bold and black. The thin and black weights work great in display sizes, medium weight is good for longer texts. It is perfect for websites, advertisements, and printing.
3 – Futura
Futura is the mother of all geometric sans serif designed in 1927. Futura was an immediate success, due to its combination of classicism and modernity. Futura is used for print, digital purposes and in books where the small text is required. Mercedes-Benz is one of the most profuse users of the font. It has smooth rich lines and implies luxury, efficiency, and forwardness.
4 – Lora
Lora is a serif with calligraphic roots. It was designed for digital displays in mind. It is available in normal and bold with corresponding italics. The widely used font in 2016.
5 – Berthold Garamond Pro
Berthold Garamond Pro is one of the most popular fonts. Berthold Garamond Pro is a trademark of Berthold types limited released in 1972. It is used widely all over the world by renowned Web designers. It is frequently used for body text in books, magazines, and websites.
6 – Maven Pro
Maven Pro is a sans-serif typeface with unique curvature and flowing rhythm. Its forms make it very distinguishable and legible when in context. It blends styles of many great typefaces and is suitable for any design medium. Maven Pro’s modern design is great for the web and fits in any environment. You can download this Cool free Web font from Google fonts.
7 – Roboto
The font features friendly and open curves. This makes for a more natural reading rhythm more commonly found in humanist and serif types.
8 -Raleway
Raleway is an elegant sans-serif typeface family intended for headings and other large size usages. Initially designed by Matt McInerney as a single thin weight, it was expanded into a 9 weight family by Pablo Impallari and Rodrigo Fuenzalida in 2012 and iKerned by Igino Marini.
The Quattrocento Roman typeface is a Classic, Elegant, Sober and Strong typeface. Their wide and open letter-forms and the great x-height make it very legible for body text at small sizes.
10 -Trirong
Cadson Demak is the first Thai communication design firm to develop type design solutions. Founded in 2002, the studio came together through a shared love of typography and design, a wish to expand and modernize the font industry as a whole, and the desire to make everyday use of type more accessible. These are the Top Ten web fonts 2017, use these fonts to enhance your websites.
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